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7 designs for small gardens

Heather Clancy Heather Clancy
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or all of us, there are times when you need a breath of fresh air, change of scenery, reconnect with our inner being and often we can not do it through a weekend trip or outside the tumultuous cities. Whether because of time or money, we can not always give us that we all require time out sometime this year. 

However, what yes we can do is apply some techniques to achieve reduce our stress of everyday life, among them are the daily exercise, home massage, eating out, wake up as late as possible in a day, even make some gardening or to create our own little garden! Gardening is very special, it not only helps you relax but also to reacquaint yourself with nature and your affectionate side to the care they need to have to plant, water and maintain each of the plants you include. It is so in order to help strengthen the bond with your inner peace and nature, we have compiled seven designs of small gardens to inspire you to create a garden, however small, in your home and in your life.